

Fitness Coach 

Personal Trainer

Are you DONE with being:

~ tired?

~ out of shape?

~ the only person wearing a t-shirt in the pool?

If yes, keep reading...

"It is a shame for a man to grow old without seeing the beauty and strength of which his body is capable.

~ Socrates

Being out of shape causes PAIN in the Back, Joints, and Neck

And -

Has TONS of downstream effects impacting what you can do, how your mate sees you, how your family sees you, how your friends see you, and most importantly how you see yourself.

The solution is simple, not easy.

Everyone can implement it.

So what even is the solution?


A routine.

"But Sergio, what's the best routine for me?"

The best one for you is the one you can (& would) stick to.

That's why I've done the following:


Movement DOESN'T have to be painful.

Making "gains" DOESN'T have to be painful.

Optimizing your physical health DOESN'T have to be a permanent uphill battle.

Optimizing your physical health is NOT about "pushing through the pain".

Every. Single. One. of my clients increases their mobility, capability, and confidence.

Their lives LITERALLY change for the better.

"People only change when the pain of change is less than the pain of staying the same."

Either click below to work with me or keep scrolling to learn more about who I am & how I can help you.

How can Coach Sergio Help You?

Coach Sergio trains his clients in the comfort of their own homes. 

He brings everything needed for an incredibly effective workout.

Starter dumbbells, resistance bands, unconventional equipment, you name it - he's got it.

His in-person clients love him because he caters to their schedules.

Whether it be early morning or late at night, you can rest assured knowing he'll be there on time.

He loves helping people striving for greatness build their dream body's, and maintain a healthy & active lifestyle.

When working with clients - his main priority is to help them optimize their physical health while keeping them safe and comfortable. 

He gets it - not everyone has a schedule that's set in stone. 

However, no matter what your availability or frequency is - Coach Sergio will always try to accomodate your schedule.

Want Coach Sergio to help you change your life for the better?

Who is Sergio Rubio (A.K.A. Coach Sergio)?

He's been a National Academy Of Sports Medicine (NASM) Certified Personal Trainer (CPT) since 2019. 

He's participated in competitive sports and fitness activities his entire life. 

In fact, wrestling in particular was what got him to take his self improvement game to the next level.

As a competitor, and business owner - he's consistently overcoming physical and mental barriers, all while strengthening and nourishing his body with every workout and meal. 

In 2021 he completed his first Half-ironman, a 70.3 mile race. (Scroll down to see photos of Sergio's Triathlon Journey)   
